The School aims to serve the need of the Marathi speaking community in the Metro Atlanta area by providing Marathi language education and introducing students to the culture of the State of Maharashtra, India.
Written Statement of Educational Goals: To provide an age-appropriate multi-year curriculum designed by an accredited educational institution for students to achieve tested reading, writing and speaking proficiency in the Marathi language.
A brief description of the program including course offerings: The program offers Marathi language education to children. The program also introduces students to Marathi culture through group cultural activities. The curriculum is designed for children growing up in North America. Students can take 5 levels of proficiency tests over the years to complete the program.
The school will primarily serve the Marathi speaking community in the Metro Atlanta region. Students will typically be US Citizens by birth (school grades K-12) and/or resident aliens, whose parent/s normally speak some Marathi at home. The school provides a formal course for the students to achieve proficiency in written, reading and spoken Marathi.